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ThinkData selected for OCC Data Working Group
Jan 14, 2020 04:30 PM EST
Group to inform Ontario Chamber of Commerce report exploring opportunities the data-driven economy presents for Ontario
TORONTO, ON - January 15th, 2020 – Lewis Wynne-Jones, Head of Data Acquisition and Partnerships for Toronto-based tech company ThinkData Works, has been appointed to the Ontario Chamber of Commerce Data Working Group. The Group, composed of industry experts from a range of sectors, will meet periodically from January to April 2020 to discuss a series of focused topics including privacy, data sharing, government data, and Artificial Intelligence.
In June 2020, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) will release a report exploring the opportunities and threats the data-driven economy presents for Ontario, with policy recommendations to help position the province for success. This report will be informed by the Data Working Group and departments within the Government of Ontario engaged in data policy.
Topics to be discussed by the Data Working Group:
- Privacy: How can the governments of Ontario and Canada best protect individuals’ privacy rights without unduly hindering innovation? How can businesses and governments work to build trust?
- Cybersecurity: What steps can governments, businesses, and other stakeholders take to better safeguard Ontarians’ personal information from security breaches?
- Data Sharing: How can we improve data accessibility and usability within Ontario, while protecting privacy and security?
- Artificial Intelligence: How can Ontario accelerate commercialization and deployment of AI in the economy? What can Ontario do to support the ethical development of AI?
- Government Data: How can the Government of Ontario make better use of the data it collects?
- Skills and Talent: How can government, post-secondary institutions, and businesses better prepare Ontario’s workforce for the data and digital economy?
“In Ontario, data is catalyzing unprecedented innovation across all sectors and regions of our economy," said Claudia Dessanti, Policy Analyst, Ontario Chamber of Commerce.
"By enabling everything from patient-centric health care to autonomous vehicles, the economic and social benefits of data are immeasurable.
That is why the Ontario Chamber of Commerce has formed the Data Working Group, a diverse group of industry leaders focused on exploring opportunities to unlock the value of data in the province, with a report set to be released in June 2020. We look forward to working with the Government of Ontario to create the right policy environment for Ontario to thrive in the data-driven economy.”
As part of a wider provincial strategy to help Ontarians benefit directly from the data economy, the Government of Ontario’s Ministry of Government and Consumer Services announced the development of Ontario’s first-ever Digital and Data Task Force this past June.
The development of these recent strategies present themselves at a time where data democracy is needed as global revenues for big data and business analytics products and services are forecasted to reach $274B by 2022.
About ThinkData Works
ThinkData Works, Inc. (ThinkData) is a Toronto-based tech company founded in 2014 that enables enterprise organizations to discover, govern, and monetize the data that powers your business. ThinkData offers a flexible enterprise data catalog designed to ensure data quality and regulatory compliance at every stage of the data lifecycle. To learn more, please visit ThinkData Works and connect with us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
For more information:
Tim Lysecki
ThinkData Works, Inc.
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