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ThinkData Announces Data Partnership with GDM Pipelines
Mar 27, 2019 02:33 PM EDT
TORONTO, ON - March 27, 2019 – ThinkData Works, Inc. (ThinkData), the Toronto-based tech company that operates a data management platform for enterprise companies, has brokered a data partnership with GDM Pipelines (GDM). Through this partnership, ThinkData will supply data products pertaining to the oil and gas sector to users of the ThinkData Works platform.
GDM Pipelines is based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and has been operating since 1997. They provide data solutions to over 650 customers in the oil and gas industry, delivering infrastructure data for all provinces and territories in Canada, including:
- 430,000+ pipelines;
- 193,000+ facilities;
- 806,000+ wells; and
- data on environmental incidents, resource roads, mineral lease lands.
"GDM Pipelines has been the leading provider of data solutions to the oil and gas industry in Canada for over 20 years,” says Marc Lehmann, VP Operations, GDM.
“Partnering with ThinkData Works helps us extend our network to create custom products and solutions for other industries, including finance, insurance and real estate.”
“The oil and gas sector is a blind spot for so many other industries,” says Lewis Wynne-Jones, Head of Strategic Partnerships for ThinkData.
“We’re thrilled to work with GDM to develop products that give other sectors insight into this previously opaque market.”
GDM's data products are ideally suited for evaluating and locating infrastructure, which will let stakeholders in the real estate and insurance sector deploy integrity and risk management projects at scale, improving predictive capacity and mitigating damages.
About ThinkData Works
ThinkData Works, Inc. (ThinkData) is a Toronto-based tech company founded in 2014 that enables enterprise organizations to discover, govern, and monetize the data that powers your business. ThinkData offers a flexible enterprise data catalog designed to ensure data quality and regulatory compliance at every stage of the data lifecycle. To learn more, please visit ThinkData Works and connect with us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
About GDM Pipelines
GDM Pipelines (GDM) is a Calgary-based company founded in 1997. They offer the only complete source of midstream infrastructure information available in Canada. GDM’s pipeline, gas plant, facility, incident, transportation, and frontier land databases service the oil and gas industry throughout Canada and the northern United States.
For More Information:
Lewis Wynne-Jones, ThinkData Works, Inc.
Head of Data Acquisition and Partnerships
We are the bridge between people who have data and people who need it. If your organization generates data, consider monetizing it by becoming a provider on the Namara Marketplace. Read more about our partnership program here or contact us to learn more.

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